Private Breathwork Sessions

Private In-Person or Online Breathwork Sessions

The breath is one of our body's most self-evident functions. Regulated by our autonomic nervous system, it functions without our intervention and is often ignored. The breath significantly impacts our mental health and physical well-being. 

Our days are often packed, and we have this habit of pushing down our true emotions just to continue functioning in this world. This survival strategy may work in the short term, but when we don't process these emotions and continue to suppress them over and over again, this energy gets trapped in our bodies and can turn into physical, mental or emotional pain.

In a 1-on-1 session, you have the opportunity, in a safe space, to get out of your head and back into your body. To explore, feel and release what you might have been avoiding for an extended period of time. The Conscious Connected Breath will guide you through the layers of the physical and emotional body, to peel off what no longer serves you.

Breakthrough with Breathwork


Single breathwork session: Approx. 2 hrs
EUR 290

3x Breathwork sessions 
EUR 770


Either online (via Zoom) or in-person (depending on the facilitators current location).



Conscious Connected Breath can be described as an active meditation that helps to reduce the chatter in the mind and release emotion through the practice of this physical breathing technique


We know that all of us have different experiences in our lives. These need to be addressed in a unique way that can allow us to open up, let go, and find clarity. Every session is tailored for you and individually guided.


Together as a team, we will access your unprocessed emotion and physical blockages to treat and integrate them. 


You can choose which facilitator you want to work with. Alex and Martina are both experienced Breathwork facilitators, yoga/meditation teachers and NLP practitioners. Since 2017 they have been teaching on a regular basis to groups, 1-on-1 breathwork sessions, and hosted over 50 yoga & breathwork retreats. 




 Over the last 6 years Martina & Alex have held over 50 Retreats in Sri Lanka and several workshops throughout Europe. Their mission is to share the power of the breath to create awareness for ourselves and others.